The Inventors Series – Dr. Scheffer Tseng of TissueTech discusses how stem cells and cryopreserved amniotic membranes evolved into clinically applicable therapies used today.

Dry Eye Coach
Dry Eye Coach
The Inventors Series – Dr. Scheffer Tseng of TissueTech discusses how stem cells and cryopreserved amniotic membranes evolved into clinically applicable therapies used today.

Dr. Scheffer Tseng of TissueTech discusses how stem cells and cryopreserved amniotic membranes evolved into clinically applicable therapies used today.

Dry Eye Coach
Dry Eye Coach
The Inventors Series – Dr. Scheffer Tseng of TissueTech discusses how stem cells and cryopreserved amniotic membranes evolved into clinically applicable therapies used today.

Dr. Scheffer Tseng of TissueTech discusses how stem cells and cryopreserved amniotic membranes evolved into clinically applicable therapies used today.